Low Energy? Your Teeth Could Be Causing It

The Steps Involved In Getting Dental Veneers To Improve The Appearance Of Your Teeth

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Dental veneers are helpful when you want to change the appearance of your front teeth when it comes to length, width, shape, or color. Veneers look natural and they can give you an improved smile. It usually takes a few visits to the dentist to complete the process of getting these porcelain shells applied. Here are a few steps involved. Determine Suitability And Have A Mock-Up Veneers can’t correct all dental problems, so the first step is to have a consultation with a dentist to see if they’re right for you. Read More»

Three Things To Do When You Suffer Dental Trauma

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Dental trauma can be much more serious than just the temporary pain – it can also have long-term repercussions when it comes to your teeth and jaw. Missing teeth, for example, can lead to bone loss, while even a chipped tooth leaves you susceptible to infection. If you have a broken, cracked, or missing tooth, the following can help you manage this dental emergency: #1: Secure the tooth if possible Read More»

How to Keep Overcrowded Teeth Healthy

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Everyone knows that the easiest solution to overcrowded teeth is getting braces. However, for many people, that isn’t an option. Whatever your reason is for not wanting braces, the good news is you don’t need to have your teeth alignment corrected to keep your teeth and gums healthy. Here are some ways you can improve your oral health and maintain the well-being of your teeth even if they’re smashed up against each other. Read More»

3 Herbal Remedies For Dealing With Your Chronic Bad Breath

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When you live with halitosis, you may always be subconscious whenever you have to speak to someone up close and are wondering if there is anything you can do yourself to help cover up your chronic bad breath. If so, consider using one or more of the following herbal remedies to help you deal with your mouth odor. 1.  Chew on Sprigs of Parsley Instead of chewing on breath mints and sugarless gum that only mask your bad breath, consider chewing on sprigs of parsley. Read More»

Here's Why Your Dentist Has Fitted You With A Temporary Crown

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If you’ve recently experienced damage to your teeth or lost a former dental crown and sought treatment, chances are your dentist gave you a temporary crown. You’ll have to come back later to get your permanent crown, and you’ve probably been told that you can’t keep the temporary one forever because it’s not meant to last. Why do dentists do this and what’s in it for their patients? Read on to find out. Read More»